Everett Program

The Everett Program for Technology and Social Change reimagines long-standing institutional models of learning and activism by using the university as a site for student-led governance, co-learning, and a starting point for community-engaged collaboration with organizations across the globe.

“If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.”

– Aboriginal activist group, Queensland, 1970s

Our Work

Projects Implemented

People Impacted

Students Joined

Common Goal


Students develop collaborative projects with non-profits and civil society groups. Together, they address challenges around social justice and environmental sustainability.


We partner with non-profits, social enterprises, and community organizations all around the world; from Watsonville, CA to Lima, Peru.


We prepare our students for technology-based projects through a year long class that teaches tech skills, understanding systems of social change, and leadership.

We envision a world where information and communication technologies are reclaimed at the grassroots level and repurposed through community knowledge to advance meaningful connections and uphold community values.

We connect cohorts of passionate student leaders with rising community partners to collaborate using technology, communication tools, and care.

Using tech as a unifying language, we build resilient connections across global communities, confront universal struggles, and contribute to collective frameworks for a socially, economically, and sustainably equitable society.

Jacob Martinez

Jacob Martinez

Founder of DigitalNest

“The Digital NEST is growing at a rate often not seen in non-profit organizations. That growth has been made possible by the talent we have been able to recruit from the Everett program. We have successfully recruited 6 Everett alumni to the staff of the Digital NEST and one of them has risen to the Director level. They are a source of talent because of their technical and professional skills and for their knowledge and commitment to social justice.” 

Tyler Spencer

Tyler Spencer

Class of 2017, Everett Alumni Foundation Board Member

“The Everett Program was a life-changing experience that, as a history major, enabled me to work on the historical social injustices that I had learned about. It empowered students to tackle technology and created a space that fosters leadership, which have remained invaluable lessons!”

Mai Sutton

Mai Sutton

Board President Everett Alumni Foundation

“I am in awe of the Everett Program and what it has achieved over the years, and I’ve come to appreciate how truly rare it is ever since graduating from the program near a decade ago. How many universities can say that they have a hands-on social justice training program that empowers students to be so resourceful and entrepreneurial–not for some profit objective o to tangibly and positively improve communities using technology. This program changes the world.”