Jasmine Topete-Lopez, Robin Jang, and Angelica Gutierrez-Bocanegra in Partnership with Ventures
Salinas, California
Ventures is a Latina immigrant-led organization that has been on a mission to build equitable local economies since 1989. They have focused on helping Latine working-class families across the Central Coast of California fight income disparities.
The program we will be focused on through Ventures is Futuro. Their approach to a more equitable income distribution is through non-hierarchical work structures such as worker cooperatives. This program will help teach the community of Salinas, California what worker cooperatives are and how to start/maintain them. Since this project is still in the works, Futuro has asked us to help with the creation of a promotional video and youth focus groups to garner input for the first-ever annual worker co-op event.
Funding: $4,402