Everett Partners
We bring together passionate students with nonprofit organizations, community organizers, and social movements to enhance their technological capabilities in support of their overall mission.
Partnership FAQ
If your question is not answered here or you’d like to inquire about a partnership, contact everettprogam@ucsc.edu or cbenner@ucsc.edu
What are the benefits of partnering with Everett?
Working together with Everett students, your organization can enhance its mission fulfillment and better serve the diverse needs of your community.Working withEverett students can give organizations access to university resources and expertise that is often difficult to access. Our projects are an opportunity for students and partners to engage and learn from each other.
What kind of technology can Everett projects use?
Students are welcome to explore tech solutions that fit with the needs of their partner.
However, many of our students come from humanities and social science backgrounds, and so our focus is not on sophisticated coding or software engineering. Rather we focus on the power of accessible and affordable technology tools, for furthering the information and communication goals of community partners.
Past examples of tech-related projects have included website building; video production and editing; digital storymaps; surveying tools; graphic design; social media campaigns; tech workshops, and internal organizational systems management. Throughout, our focus is not on the technology per se, but how accessible tech can accelerate organizational and communication goals.
How are project teams selected?
Staff conducts partner outreach over the summer and asks each potential partner what they are looking for in a student team and note any necessary qualifications.
In addition, students are given the opportunity to create a student-initiated project with an organization or community leader of their choice. These projects are then added to the list of available partners so other students have the opportunity to join the team.
At the end of fall quarter, students apply for their top three partner choices.
From those applications, Everett staff solicit partner input, and then select teams of 2-4 students for each project.
How is funding distributed?
Students spend the winter quarter writing a full proposal detailing their plans for the project, with clear deliverables for their community partner, which includes a full budget. Those proposals are then reviewed by a committee of Everett fellows and staff, who analyze the proposals based on a diverse rubric of criteria. If a team’s proposal is not approved, they are asked to resubmit a revision based on feedback.
Once a team is approved for funding, one member will take the responsibility for managing funds, which are distributed through the UCSC financial department.
At the conclusion of the project, any unused funds are expected to be returned to the program.
What can funding be used for?
In general, most costs that students can justify as useful to the project are eligible for funding approval. This includes but is not limited to cost of living (i.e., gas, internet service, etc.), travel, equipment, software, and promotional material.
We encourage students to make purchases from local or small businesses, wherever possible.
We discourage hiring assistants, consultants, or other people whose work will directly contribute to the project. One common exception is translation services.
How are partners selected?
Every spring, fellows reflect on the year and brainstorm a prioritized list of organizations or important issues that they would like to be represented in the next years’ projects. Using this information, staff begins outreach over the summer, soliciting interest from potential partners. We also have a number of continuing partnerships that extend for multiple years and student teams.
If you are interested in potentially partnering with the Everett Program, please contact us at everettprogram@ucsc.edu or contact the Faculty Director, Chris Benner, at cbenner@ucsc.edu.